We took the 1100pm direct AA flight from Dallas, Texas to Auckland, New Zealand! The trip was just under 15 hours and I am certain “My Bride” slept at least 14.5 hours of the way. (They usually wake her up to land). We arrived around 0730am (two days later I might add).
On arrival we met “Kell”, a retired textile executive who now drives part time and was a joy as our “Chauffeur”. A quick 30 mins and we were loading onto the Fuller 360 Ferry to Waiheke island and our first stop was at The Boat Shed Boutique Hotel. The owner of the hotel’s father picked us up at the ferry terminal for the 10 min ride.

Being a bit tired, we decided to take a 10-min walk to the quaint town of Onerao on Waiheke Island. After a quick “walking tour” of the town (all of 12 mins), we decided it was time to eat, so off to MudBrick Winery.
OK…AMAZING! The views were spectacular. A direct view from the island of downtown Auckland. Mid 70’s, sunny, and was with MY BRIDE. Perfection!
Five hours later after meeting our new found friends, Marc and Janine from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, “tasting” the local wines and a few gins, it was taxi time back to the Boat Shed, an amazing dinner, and 8 solid hours of rest for me…another 12 for Lori!
Day One is in the books and I am amazed with the land of the Hobbits!